Thursday, January 27, 2011

BBC News - Obama's State of the Union address

BBC News - Obama's State of the Union address: "Obama's State of the Union address"

My colleague, John Mellor, professor at the Ecole Centrale says the following about this speech:

"Good afternoon dear colleagues,

You will find above a link to a very well-crafted (and crafty) speech by President Obama.
It contains excellent ideas and ideals and will broaden the vocabulary of our students.

It makes a plaidoyer for education, scholarship, life-long learning, investment in science and technology and is a case study in the art of persuasive and effective public speaking. (using to good purpose humour, emphasis and intonation)

There is also a running commentary on the left-hand side pane next to the full transcript which is a very useful pedagogical tool. Access to specific sections of the speech is facilitated by the timeline.

Wishing you all the best in this dreary and wet weather.

Best regards,



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